Rochester Engagement Photography
My favorite part of Julie and Evan's engagement shoot was all of it. I got to hang out with these two delightful souls, meet Julie's parents, meet Fred Jackson the pit-lab mix, learn about a future entry to urban dictionary (dixby), take some gorgeous pictures and finish it all up with a pint at our neighborhood pub, Johnny's! A stellar afternoon!
Look at this. Are you even serious? I texted Julie to ask her why she didn't tell me about her previous modeling career.
They are just adorable together.
Freddy is an awesome dog and these three are such a cute family. Freddy had a lot of ideas about how the shoot should go, but he put on his best majestic face for me... he's definitely smizing, right?
Julie and Evan's smiles and Freddy's regal pose are everything I could ever want.
Thank you for spending the afternoon with me Julie and Evan, I cannot wait until November! And all the excuses we can find to hang out in the interim ;D