Wegmans in the house! I loooove when I get the opportunity to shoot Wegmans weddings! It usually means that the bride and groom are friends with my brother and sister in law, so I feel like it is guaranteed that they're going to be awesome. No exception here! Kristen and Kevin are so sweet and playful together, it is just a delight to be around them! Been waiting for this one for a long time!
I met up with the girls at a lake house in Auburn, the atmosphere was festive and relaxed, even though the forecast called for rain and thunderstorms. Kristen's dress was stunning!
A lot of times, people are just totally overwhelmed during the wedding ceremony and kind of have a deer in the headlights look... not Kevin. He was so ready! Love this shot.
So sweet!!! Checking out the new hardware.
We headed to the Chantelle Marie Lakehouse for the reception where the bridal party was being all hot and stuff.
Then it was Kristen and Kevin's turn. Bring the heat.
The reception kicked off with lots of dancing and lots of tears... very sweet!
Father daughter dance, always a tear jerker!
Okay, MVP competition was stiff tonight. I don't think I can decide... I think it's a tie between the lovely ladies in the following pictures. First we have some sort of awesome robot-off... (that's my sister in law Kerri on the left, and her friends Lina and Marissa!)
Then we have Lina just rocking out, I love this one!
And then finally, we have Rani and Greg just showing everyone in the room what's up. I laughed so hard I cried when I took this picture. Pure magic. I also love powder's expression (aka my brother Matt) and Lina covering her eyes... So congratulations to all my co-MVPs! Way to bring it, Jersey!
Air guitar in a wedding dress, you're welcome world!
I can't decide which is better... Kristen's extreme sass, or Kevin's "hell yeah that's my wife!" expression. So good.
Congratulations you two, you are the best!! Nugget told me so